Bylaws and Policies

Bylaws and Policies







  • Bylaw is a law passed by the council. Bylaws can be enforced by bylaw enforcement officers, police and peace officers in the municipality or any other designated officer as appointed by Council.
  • If residents, ratepayers, business owners and visitors in the municipality do not follow the rules and guidelines set out by a bylaw, they can be fined or given penalties, and they must be informed in writing by Council through Administration that they are in breach of the bylaw and a specific statute, section and part pertaining to the Bylaw in question. 
  • Policies are made by councils to set guidelines that the municipalities follow. These guidelines can describe how services (service levels/delivery) and programs will be provided by a municipality.
  • The Chief Administrative Officer and municipal employees are responsible for following these policies.
  • Decisions (socio-economic) that Councils and Councillors make are visible and implemented in the policies and bylaws of a municipality.

Open Government

Planning Document Summary

Bylaws 2025

  1. Item 5B Property Tax Bylaw 01 2025
  2. Item 5C Penalty Tax Bylaw 02-2025
  3. Land Use Bylaw Change Bylaw 03-2025

Bylaws 2024

  1. Property Tax Bylaw 
  2. Penalty Tax Bylaw
  3. Policy 01-2024 Letters of Support 
  4. Plan Cancellation Bylaw 03-2024

Bylaws 2023

  1. Property Tax Bylaw 01-2023
  2. Penalty Unpaid Taxes Bylaw 02-2023
  3. Rates and Fees Bylaw 03-2023
  4. OHV Bylaw 04-2023
  5. Plan Cancellation Bylaw 05-2023
  6. Emergency Management Bylaw 06-2023 DRAFT Jan 18-2024

Policies 2023

  1. Expense Reimbursement Policy 01-2023
  2. Council Remuneration Policy 02-2023 DRAFT Jan 18-2024

Bylaws 2022

  1. Bylaw 258-17 (2022) Emergency Management
  2. SVREMP Emergency Management Partnership TOR
  3. Highway 43 East - Waste fees 2023 and Bylaw 01-2023
  4. Plan Cancellation Bylaw 03-2022

Policies 2022

  1. Financial Reporting & Expenditure Policy 01-2022

April 2022

  1. Item 5B Property Tax Bylaw 01-2022
  2. Item 5C Penalty Unpaid Taxes Bylaw 02-2022

Bylaws 2021

  1. Property Tax Bylaw 01-2021
  2. Penalty on Unpaid Taxes Bylaw 02-2021
  3. Assessor Bylaw 03-2021
  4. Consolidation Bylaw 04-2021
  5. Procedure Bylaw 05-2021
  6. ARB Bylaw 06-2021

Bylaws 2020

  1. Financial Plan Bylaw 01-2020
  2. ICF Bylaw 02-2020 (LSAC)
  3. ICF Bylaw 03-2020 (Sunrise Beach)
  4. Property Tax Bylaw 04-2020
  5. Penalty on Unpaid Taxes Bylaw 05-2020
  6. TPP Bylaw 06-2020
  7. Bylaw Enforcement Officer Bylaw 07-2020

Policies 2020

  1. Emergency Operations Plan 2021 (in effect)
  2. Emergency Management Policy and Procedures Manual February 2020

Bylaws 2019

  1. ISDAB Bylaw 01-2019
  2. Property Tax Bylaw 02-2019
  3. Penalty Tax Bylaw 03-2019
  4. Responsible Pet Ownership Bylaw 04-2019
  5. Garbage, Organics & Recycling Bylaw 05-2019
  6. Regional Emergency Advisory Committee Bylaw 06-2019

Policies 2019

  1. Health & Safety Policy 01-2019
  2. Roadway Snow and Ice Control Policy 02-2019
  3. Roadway and Municipal Land Maintenance Policy 03-2019

Public Hearing October 25, 2018 @ 6pm Sandy Beach Hall Highway 642

All of the above have received First Reading on Sept 20 at 7 pm at Regular Council - Sandy Beach Community Hall

A Public Hearing is schedule for October 25 at 6 pm at the Hall for the Land Use Bylaw Amendments Cannabis - Bylaw 04-2018 - this whole bylaw will be added to the existing Land Use Bylaw 02-2012 - its a new bylaw.

A Public Participation Meeting will follow after the Public Hearing on Dog Bylaw 05-2018, CAO Bylaw 06-2018 and Roadside Mowing Policy PPP002-18.  The Dog Bylaw and CAO Bylaw has amendments that is marked in yellow - the existing Bylaws is available on this same page and still in effect.  The Roadside Mowing Policy is a new document and policy.

Other matters as part of Regular Council (which starts at 6 pm) will follow after the above matters has been concluded.

Documents can be requested from the office or inspected at office on Tuesday and Wednesdays 10 am to 3 pm between Sept 21 to deadline for comment Oct 23 4pm.

Good Practice

Dogs/Cats and all Animals


  • speed limits must be maintained
  • not in ditches
  • not on public property like day park or beaches
  • must where helmets
  • no alcohol
  • Be responsible and respectful please


  • no open fires - pits only and must have cover
  • no fireworks
  • adhere to Village postings
  • have water back up ready
  • call outs has a $1,220 charge - Sturgeon County is provider
  • do not leave fire unattended or overnight - WATER, STIR, WATER, STIR, WATER!
  • Be responsible and respectful please