Tax notices are planned to be mailed out on Friday May 17, 2025 (the current year). Early copies of tax notices are not available and the notices can be emailed if you request (email us) the office to do so, upon which you can then pay by Interac email to svsandyb@xplornet.ca
Interac email payments to svsandyb@xplornet.ca are the Village preferred method of tax payments. Leave a reply email for tax receipts.
Payment Options
By Mail
Make cheques payable to The Summer Village of Sandy Beach
(not during Postal Strikes though)
- RR1 Site 1 Comp 63, Onoway AB T0E 1V0
In-person (Cash or Cheque - NO Card payments please)
- Payments can be made in person by cheque or cash: Mon to Wed 9am to 11am ONLY
Pre-Authorized Payments
- Pre-authorized payments can be set up between a property owner and the village. A set amount will be deducted from the property owner’s account each month. If you would like more information regarding pre-authorized payments, please contact the municipal office at svsandyb@xxplornet.ca - deadline for enrollment is January 15 2025.
Interac e-Transfer:
- While logged into your online banking profile, send e-Transfer to svsandyb@xplornet.ca
- No security question is needed, the Village is registered for Interac e-Transfer® Auto Deposit.
- In the message area you SHOULD enter your roll number that you are paying (especially if you own more than one property), and leave a return email for a receipt.
FOR 2024
Payments for annual taxes must be received on or before the JUNE 30th deadline to avoid any penalties on your roll number. Any email or mailed payments must be postmarked by Canada Post on or before the JUNE 30th, with the postmarked date clearly visible.
Penalties will be charged on outstanding current year taxes with a 6% monthly penalty, added the 1st of every month starting July 1 through Dec 1, on the current years taxes; a 12% annual penalty will be charged on January 1st of the new year (2025/2026) for all outstanding balances which are not paid in full by December 31 of the current year (2024/2025).
For further information please contact the Village office at svsandyb@xplornet.ca
Payments can be made by email Interac (PREFERRED METHOD of PAYMENT).
Cheque or cash (at office). The Village does NOT take card payments for taxes.
Please consider email payments (Interac) for annual taxes which is so convenient and easy and involves no paper or handling at all: email your annual tax payments to svsandyb@xplornet.ca
Please do not mail cash, or do not drop off cash in the Village box, as this is not secure.
Tax payment & Receipts options: Please strongly consider Interact (email) payments starting May 2025 - a receipt will be returned promptly upon confirming the deposit - it is such a safe and secure option and environmentally friendly and so convenient - Please kindly consider this streamlined option for tax payments.
- Interac (email) payments/Receipts: email svsandyb@xplornet.ca
- Drop your cheque in the Village mailbox at the store (way on the left - the stainless steel mailbox);
- Mail your cheque to The Summer Village of Sandy Beach, RR1 Site 1, Comp 63 Onoway AB T0E 1V0; or
- Pay in office during office hours Mon to Wed 9 am to 11 am;
- All Cheques should be made out to The Summer Village of Sandy Beach with the current day date please;
December 2024 & Taxes 2024 UPDATE
- All outstanding taxes not paid by June 30, 2024 are due December 31, 2024 - please note that a 12% penalty will be applied on January 1, 2025 on all outstanding taxes.'
- If you have not paid by end of December remember that a 6% monthly penalty is applied starting July 1 on the 1st of every month until Dec 1 of the CURRENT year (so 2024) and if you want to pay prior to Jan 1 2025 be sure to calculate the penalties into your final payment to make sure you cover of the full amount and not incur a 12% penalty Jan 1 2025 on ANYTHING/ALL that is outstanding.
- Send a email payment, cheque or drop your cheque (NO CASH) in the Village mailbox.
- Interac payments can also be made to this email address. PLEASE USE EMAIL FOR ALL TAX PAYMENTS
- Please email svsandyb@xplornet.ca for ANY and ALL questions/receipts/tax notices.
When making a payment by cheque be sure to include your roll number, name and property address.
Tax Payment Plan (TPP)
The S.V. of Sandy Beach Tax Payment Plan can help. Using the TPP allows you to spread out your tax payments throughout the year. Please read the instructions here for your monthly calculation if you are on the TPP or would like to sign on. As of May 15, 2019 ONLY direct debit payments will be accepted: to sign on a signed and dated direct debit authorization form is required from your BANK. Drop off the signed and dated form at the office or email it to us by January 15 of the NEW YEAR - no exceptions.
How it works
The TPP Plan runs from January to December each year. Your first five monthly payments will be estimated based on your previous year's tax levy and is in effect a credit as your taxes is already paid off.
Residents receive their tax notice end of May. As a TPP Plan participant, your monthly payments will then be revised for your June Payment, made on July 1st.
Any adjustments required as a result of the annual levy will be spread over the last seven payments of the year and the revised payments continue until May of the following year - the credit.
VERY IMPORTANT: TPP - Only Direct Debit payments are now in effect and a direct debit authorization form signed and dated is required from your bank to enroll.
How to apply
Contact the Village office prior to January 15th of the new year WITH YOUR signed and dated direct debit authorization form from your bank to set up a existing and/or new TPP.
You can join the TPP Plan if:
- you have a cheque account;
- your application is received before January 15th of the new tax year (pre-tax notice issue);
- If you are not in ANY arrears of taxes;
- If you have just purchased a property in the Village or are a new resident and prefer this option;
Changing bank accounts
If you change your cheque account, please advise the Summer Village Office at 780.967.2873 at least 3 weeks prior to the next payment date, and make sure you provide a new DD form - email is best svsandyb@xplornet.ca
Do NOT CLOSE your account FIRST and then contact the office - Contact us first!
Withdrawing from the Plan
You may withdraw from the TPP Plan by giving written notice at least 3 WEEKS prior to the next payment date.
If payments are missed or NSF, the Summer Village WILL cancel the agreement immediately and charge bank or NSF costs to your roll number.
NOTE: if you withdraw from the plan, or your Plan is cancelled, all unpaid taxes become due and payable, and are subject to penalties. It is your responsibility to check the payment deadlines here or at svsandyb@xplornet.ca
Moving, Selling or Buying New Property
- Moving with Sandy Beach? The TPP Payments can be revised to correspond with the taxes on your new property.
- Buying a new property in Sandy Beach? Arrangements can be made to allow you to join the TPP Plan during the year.
- Selling your property? To ensure that the payments are discontinued at the proper time when your property is sold, please notify the Summer Village Office at svsandyb@xplornet.ca at least 3 weeks prior to the next payment date.
For more information
If you have any questions about the TPP Plan please email the Village at
(780) 967-2873 (office)
Tax Recovery & Arrears
Please contact the Village office - svsandyb@xplornet.ca
Tax recovery in the Village is done by a tax specialist contractor - contact the Village office for any queries relating to such a matter or if you are subject to tax recovery proceedings. The Village may enter into an agreement with a roll number to pay back old taxes. This agreement is signed for 3 years and you can estimate your monthly payments by dividing the amount over a 3 year monthly payment as well as adding penalty costs. Once the office is approached the contractor will provide an accurate monthly amount over 3 years.
Tax Bylaws
Check the Bylaw section on the website for all signed documents relating to taxes and tax penalties.
Questions: svsandyb@xplornet.ca
780.718.1894 (text)
Tax Certificates are $85
Cheque or Interac (provide proof of cheque pdf to email and we will email the TC). No tax searches./NO FAXES/no legal searches (use Spin 2 on your own instead not this office) no cheques in mail strikes just Interac email payments to svsandyb@xplornet.ca proof of pay we EMAIL the tc only.