Business Directory

Business Directory

Sandy Beach Campground

102 Lakeshore Drive

(780) 967 - 2173

Please contact the campground directly - the Village office does not take bookings.


Sandy Beach Day Park

101 Lakeshore Drive

No loud music, no drugs, no cannabis, no liquor PLEASE

Keep the site clean and leave it so others can use it too.

Please keep the portapotties clean and useable so all can use it - do not take or destroy or trash the toilets.


Administration & Council


Tax Receipts/Invoices & Tax Certificates: email us.

Tax Payments: Interac email us.

Village cell (no voicemails) 587.588.9012


West Cove Fire Break

This area is for pedestrians and hikers only and no OHV's are allowed.

Please be respectful.

Clean up after your dog and for the most part keep it on a leash so others can enjoy the area too.


Sandy Lake

No motorized or jet boats allowed. No liquor on lake. Do not interfere with the natural flow of the lake from the higher end to lower end - this area is under surveillance by Alberta Environment.