Yearly Summaries
Property Owners
If you have a question about your property assessment please contact the independent assessor for the Village Ray Crews who can help with adjustments.
DO NOT contact Council or Municipal Affairs; once you have agreed with the Assessor on a adjusted value THE ASSESSOR - not anybody else nor the Village - must give that information back to the Village office at svsandyb@xplornet.ca so the correction can be done and recorded - this is the ONLY way to do it.
You as the property owner must make sure the Assessor confirms that the correction is provided (by the Assessor) to the Village office email AND NOT the other way round.
Please note that the Assessment process is independently authorized by the Provincial Government and NOT the Municipality.
For assessment notices, a “Notice of Assessment Date” must be added to each assessment notice. This date must be at least seven clear days after the date the assessment notice is sent to the property owner via regular mail. For example, if the assessor on behalf of the municipality plans on sending a notice of assessment to a property owner on February 11 via regular mail, the “Notice of Assessment Date” would be (at minimum) February 19. The Notice of Assessment Date can be no later than July 1, which means the last date an assessment notice can be sent in the mail is June 23.
The Complaint Date (which is the property owner’s deadline for filing a complaint with an Assessment Review Board) must be 60 days after the Notice of Assessment Date. For example, if the Notice of Assessment Date is February 19, the Complaint Date would be April 20.
It's highly recommended that prior to initiating the above you have a discussion with the independent Assessor (contact details below) if you have questions on your property value and it's assessed and possible adjustments.
Remember that for the Summer Village of Sandy Beach the tax notice and assessment notice is combined in your annual tax notice (top left).
CONTACT your Assessor to discuss possible amendments to your assessment.
Municipal Assessment Services Group Inc.
Box 3369, 10404 - 100th Ave.
Morinville, Alberta
T8R 1S2
Phone 780-939-3310
Fax 780-939-3350
website: www.masg.ca