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Emergency Response, Action Plan + Muster Points

February 20 2025

The signposted (yellow) muster points are at the Office/Shop 1208A Highway 642 and also at the West Cove Parking area just on the other (west) side of the bridge.  In an emergency, please gather there and let someone know that you are on your way there – the DEM or DDEM will be there to do roll call and then dispatch to safety east or west.  In case of fire, Fire Response will be on site regardless.  Make sure you always have an emergency contact on your list or in phonebook. 

If you have a handicapped/low mobility person at home, please text the DDEM at 780.718.1894 to let them know so the Incident Commander can be informed so as to dispatch Fire or EMS or Employees to help with an evacuation or assistance in vacating a premises.  Always be alert of weather predictions and advisories and be sure to follow advice from the province.  Follow emergency crews advice on the day.


Built your Emergency Kit - Be PREPARED

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